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Hotel Valet Crashes Customer's Lamborghini Gallardo

Imagine the situation:  You pull up at the LeMeridien luxury hotel New Delhi, India, behind the wheel of your brand new Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder.  Other guests oooh and awww as you step out of the car and hand the keys to the valet, feeling proud that you drive a car that costs $500,000 in a country where the average person makes $100 per month. 

As you're walking away with a stride in your step, you hear a terrible screech and crash.  You slowly turn around and watch in horror as the valet gets out of your totaled Lamborghini with a big stupid grin on his face and says "Sorry, sir" - knowing full well it will take him 1,000 years to pay you back. 

 Update:  July 10, 2014

A video has emerged of the accident.  It's worse than we originally thought.  The valet crashed into another vehicle and almost ran someone over.  No word on why the accident happened.  The valet had been working there for 10 years without any problems.

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