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18 Year Old Girl Took Her Friend For a Spin in Her Dad's Maserati Spyder. She...

18 year old girl took her friend for a spin in her dad's Maserati Spyder. She found a quiet back road in Springville, Utah and opened the car wide up. No one knows how fast she was going but, the curb she hit removed the front wheel and took a 12 inch chunk out of the back wheel! The car slide side ways through an intersection and removed some asphalt on its way to the curb on the other side of the road. The Car Was Finished! The curb sent the car flying into the field and it rolled 4 times and stopped on its roof. The girlr was under the car for 40 minutes while her friend flagged down some help. They both were beat up a bit, but the car was a total loss.

2002 Maserati 4200 GT Spyder. Happened in Springville, Utah, USA.

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